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English-posts · Teknologi

FreeBSD top of network connections

2. oktober 2012 · Comments Off

To view the active connections in FreeBSD, which might be a very good debugging/overview tool for a router, one can use ipfstat -t. This will output something like this: Source IP Destination IP ST PR #pkts #bytes ttl,1052,80 4/4 tcp 37860 6446150 119:59:07,17500,17500 0/0 udp 11681 1740469 1:55,17500,17500 0/0 [...]

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English-posts · Teknologi

Finding which Windows process uses what IP socket

2. oktober 2012 · Comments Off

To find out which application uses what IP port on a Windows, both open listening sockets and open connections, you can use netstat with some options and then grep for the port number, or findstr as it’s called in Windows world. netstat -ano | findstr “:xxxx” This outputs something like this: Aktive tilkoblinger Prot. Lokal [...]

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whiptail – enkel dialogboks for terminalen

7. juni 2010 · Comments Off

Dette er først og fremst en huskelapp for min egen del, men kanskje nyttig for andre også. Jeg har laget mange shellscripts for å hjelpe meg i systemutvikling og til vedlikehold av tjenester. Av og til har jeg behov for å bekrefte at jeg virkelig ønsker å utføre handlingen, i tilfelle man skulle kjøre kommandoen [...]

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